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Baxter & Black

Fabric or Leather Heel Wrap

From $250.00

Don’t give up on your favourite heels just because the fabric or leather heel wrap has been damaged.
A hefty gouge or scratch in your fabric or leather heel wrap will mar the look of your shoe or boot. And, when the heel is a focus, like a ladies Christian Louboutin heel, things start to look dire pretty quickly.
At Baxter & Black, we repair your designer heels by recovering the fabric or leather heel wrap. To begin, we draw from our extensive resources to match the material that was originally on the heel. Secondly, we carefully unwrap the original damaged fabric, remove the heel tip, and thoroughly clean the heel block and smooth over any damage. Thirdly, we glue on the new fabric or leather and tuck the edges securely out of view. Finally, we add the heel tip and secure the newly wrapped heel to the base of the shoe. By completely recovering both heels we bring back the original look and elegance of the shoe.

The technical stuff

  • Prices start at $150
  • Can rewrap in leather or fabric
  • We have the ability to source a variety of leather or fabric
  • To see the before & after of a silk Louboutin heel, click here.

The Baxter & Black difference…

The team at Baxter & Black will go above and beyond to source the same fabric or leather heel wrap to ensure your shoes or heels look like new. We start by searching at local leather suppliers, or quality fabric stores. If we do not find an exact match, we email photos of the fabric or leather to stores in our overseas supplier network to see if they have the material available. In some cases, the manufacturer will send us some of the original material to use.

Additional information

Baxter & Black