Quality hardware and fixtures complete the look of any handbag eyelet replacement or item. Unfortunately, time may mean that some parts of a bag fall off or wear out. At Baxter & Black, we have the ability to source from a variety of suppliers and can find that sought after component. In addition, we stock the correct die for our machines to set the eyelets in place.
In order to maintain eyelets, we need to employ the same care we do for leather. Keeping metal grime-free will cut down on corrosion. Avoiding overloading our items will mean there is less likelihood of eyelets pulling out or components breaking.
Our Process
- Before we start the handbag eyelet replacement, we inspect the eyelet for wear or damage
- We find a matching eyelet in our range or source the matching item through our network of suppliers
- Next, we take out the old eyelet with an extraction tool
- Carefully, we clean the surrounding area before setting eyelet
- We fit a new eyelet (be it straight tube or nicked). Additionally, we fit the correct washer if needed
- After this, we fit the correct die to the machine and set pressure depth so as to set the eyelet without marking the item
- Finally, set the eyelet in place
The technical stuff
- Large range of quality components to match your handbag or item
- Machine set for a consistent and strongest finish
- Ability to match componentry or suggest better options
The Baxter & Black difference…
We use a kickstand machine with dies and setters for all the eyelets and speed hooks we carry. This ensures the correct fitting of the pieces to your items. We work closely with manufacturers of eyelets and speed hooks who also manufacture the matching dies and setters. This ensures the best consistent result with a large range available.