Gucci handbag lining replacement
This Gucci Signature handbag came in with the interior looking very worn and dirty. Whilst the rest of the bag only needed a good clean and condition. It was decided that we had to do a Gucci handbag lining replacement. With the choice between a couple of different colour options, we chose this mushroom cotton drill. The whole inside of the bag was taken apart and remade in the chosen fabric, paying special attention to recreate the pockets and fit and the original zips and tags.
Our Process
- Having agreed on the new colour of the inside lining, it was time to unpick all the stitching. To begin the Gucci handbag lining replacement we unpicked along the top line and took out the inner lining and the zip.
- We used the old inner lining as a template and cut out the new fabric to size.
- Carefully, we installed the original Gucci branded leather pieces over the top of the working inside pockets and new internal zip. We then hand sewed the leather pull tab onto the runner of the internal zip.
- Before installing the new lining into the bag we cleaned up the top edge of the leather bag. We did this by using rubberized edge paint and fitted the original outer zip back into its original position.
- We inserted a piece of interfacing in the top line of the new bag lining so we could fold the fabric over it. Therefore, giving the top edge a uniform fold and more strength to cope with the everyday use of the bag.
- We fit the new lining in the bag. Additionally, we stitched leather outer, original zip, and inner lining together.
- With the lining in place, we then were able to focus our attention on cleaning and nourishing the outer leather of the bag. Using the Saphir Medaille d’Or Mink Oil Lotion we were able to clean and nourish the bag bringing forth a deep shine.